Ercan Akın’s new solo exhibition “Hopeless Wait” running from September 27 to November 19, 2022, is hosted by Bozlu Art Project. Hopesless Wait bears the emotional traces of his travel experiences crossing Japan-Turkey between 2015 and 2022. Looking at the thematic of Akın’s last exhibition, we can see that tension between imaginary spaces witnessing his life as a human being and the phenomenon of loneliness between these spaces gets revealed.
Ercan Akın’s exhibition ‘Hopeless Wait’, while revealing a striking inventory on isolation, lack of belonging, limited resources and mental health, points to personal loneliness, the visibility of loneliness and the state of being an observer in social life. Akın’s works invite the viewer to reflect on whether art offers the artist a safe haven in terms of creation or condemns them to loneliness. In the works in the exhibition, the cloudless sky that we witness for a while throughout our lives, is presented with a cheerful blue and then suddenly turns to a gloomy shade of grey. While the portraits in the artist’s paintings –thanks to the emptiness around them– exist in a way that makes the viewer feel lonely in a physical manner, animal images draw attention as a kind of “symbol” of isolation. The image of a dead swallow, a tree bending before the stormy weather or a dead rabbit reveals for the viewer the artist’s adventure of searching for himself.
In his exhibition titled “Hopeless Wait”, Ercan Akın deals with the life experience that can be interpreted as a kind of voluntary exile – one can neither break away from where one comes from nor connect to the place where they are. On view from 27 September to 19 November 2022 at Bozlu Art Project Mongeri Building, the exhibition opens the doors of a subjective experience that includes how the artist confronts the negativities of existence, while manifesting a multi-dimensional plastic language and a dramatic space made out of site-specific installations to painting and photography.